8 Tips for Getting in Google’s Real-Time Search Results
There are few ways to get found in Google’s real-time searches. The main idea - you have to get people talking about your website.
Google’s real-time search is all about Twitter and Facebook, so go ahead and join by opening up Facebook and Twitter accounts. Without it you couldn’t get in real time search results.
1. Integrate Twitter with your website
The first thing you have must do - add a Twitter retweet button to your site. It’ll help to spread the word about your content. I prefer Tweetmeme retweet button. You can also integrate your Twitter conversations with your website. The best way to do that is to add Twitter gadget. The more tweets you get - the more chances your site has to appear in search engine’s result pages.
2. Use Twitter #hashtags
Seacrh engine optimization will now play an even bigger role in real-time search. Twitter hashtags will now appear in search results, and if your tweets are tagged - they can drive additional targeted visitors to your website and help to get quality backlinks.